Adoration, Dance Party, and Worksites

 Hi all,

Tonight, we had Adoration. It was a beautiful service and I had many kids come up to me and express how thankful they were for the opportunity.  If you are a parent of one of the kids on the trip, I highly suggest you ask them about this night when we come back.  It could very well prompt good conversation.  Because it was a late night, long day, and hot as well, I'm just going to share some pictures.  There was a very fun dance party, but we were having too much fun to take pictures! 

Betsy and Time matching shirts (Shirts from the Montana trip in 2019)

Natalie and Jared in Taco Tuesday shirts

Below: Pictures of Brian, Theresa, and Marissa's team project!

Below: Adoration

Below: Card games

Some more pictures of my group below:

Below: Alex, Julia, and Katie show pictures after their clean-up project and what it looked like before!


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