Hi all! We made it to camp! Our day started at 5 am this morning. We left the church parking lot bright and early for our road trip down to Dover, Delaware. Our plan was to arrive to the camp around 1:30, but we were closer to 3PM. A little traffic and some longer than expected pit stops may have contributed to our late arrival. We stopped this morning for breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. Our group made it there right before 6 am when they opened, and I'm sure the staff there was a bit surprised to see 23 crazy-looking hungry people staring at them through the locked doors when they came to unlock them at 5:59. The vans cruised past NYC by around 10:00 and stopped for lunch at the Vince Lombardi rest stop in New Jersey. It was just a few more hours after that when we made it to camp. In some ways, it was nice that we arrived RIGHT as they were starting the program (3 PM). The kids didn't...
Today we all traveled to our sites. I am in charge of a group of 11. We are working at a Horse Therapeutic Riding Center. They focus on providing enrichment experiences and physical therapy to children and adults with various disabilities. I've been going on these trips for 25 years at this point, and I have to say that the staff members at this particular agency (all volunteers btw) are making this one of my favorite service trips I've ever done. The majority of them are retired men that simply hang out at the center and work full time. They have a great bond with each other which is making for some fun times as they joke quite a bit. There is about 10 of them and they have been so kind to our group taking us all under their wings, breaking us into groups, and leading us in the various projects. Personally, I worked with Isabella and Shannon, and we were lead by CJ and Turner. Our job was to demo a horse stable gate and build ...
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